How to Lose Weight During the Holidays

Reading Time: 2mins

Last Updated: December 18th, 2024 at 3:16 pm

Oh the holidays

A wonderful time of year spent with family, friends, and food

Gatherings focused on seeing those we don’t see often and eating foods we don’t eat often

I love this time of year because, well, I love family, friends, and food

It can be difficult to stay healthy during this time of year as sweets, cakes, and social pressures to eat them abound

This is something I personally battle every winter

I have a mad sweet tooth

And when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, we’ve all heard the simple mathmatical equation of calories in versus calories out

In it’s simplest form, if you consume more calories than you burn, your body stores those extra calories as fat

A common way that we maintain a healthy weight throughout the year is by exercising to increase the total number of calories burned

This works well during the training season.

Workouts are regular, structured, and long to the point they burn a significant amount of calories

In the off season, however, with workouts being less calorie burning and high caloric sweets being readily available and encouraged to eat, the equation gets skewed against us

I recently saw this instagram video where a guy runs as long as it takes for him to burn the calories of a cookie he ate

Click the link above and give it a watch

It highlights a very important point

It is much easier NOT to eat the calories than it is to burn them off with exercise

As hard as it sounds, my invitation to you (and myself) this holiday season, is to opt NOT to eat that cookie, that extra slice of cake, those chocolates, etc.

You don’t have to be extreme about this

But maybe reading this email and watching that video will give you enough motivation to say NO to those sweets at least 1 time

And that 1 time will save you a few hundred calories in your daily calories in and out equation

Do that enough times and you’ll stand a fighting chance

Helping you maintain or achieve that healthy and happy weight during the winter months

Happy Holidays


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