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Have you heard of the butterfly effect?
The butterfly effect is defined as: the phenomenon whereby a minute localized change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere.
If running is not yet a large part of your life, you have a simple opportunity that could lead to a massive butterfly effect in your life: signing up for the Evanston Running Club’s Free 0-5K program
The 0-5K program begins THIS SUNDAY March 16th
You can go, for free, from literally zero running fitness, all the way to running your first 5K by June 15th for the Ricky Byrdsong Race Against Hate. All you have to do is sign up for the program here and start putting in the miles.
The simple decision of signing up for this program can create a ripple effect into your life and the lives of those around you to live healthier lives through running.
The 0-5K program begins THIS SUNDAY March 16th
In last week’s newsletter, I spoke about the importance of signing up for a race and how that get’s you out and training.
The patient I was talking about in last week’s story started with ERC’s 0-5K program, did the training, ran the Ricky Byrdsong 5K, went on to sign up for a Thanksgiving 10K, did the training, completed the race and got a medal for completing it.
His son saw the medal, thought it was cool, and now wants to earn one for himself.
That’s the ripple effect in action. His decision to sign up for that 0-5K program lead to his son being inspired to potentially complete a family fun race
Signing up for that race is a butterfly decision
Signing up for a free 0-5K program is a butterfly decision
Making any of these decisions that lead to positive health outcomes for you are butterfly decisions
You are 1 decision away from making big change in your life
You’ll still have to put the work in once you make that decision But every great journey begins with the decision to start.
Your opportunity to sign up for the 0-5K program is closing because it starts THIS SUNDAY March 16th
Are you gonna do it or now!?!?
I can promote the program and lead you to the website, but you have to complete the registration and you have to put in the training
It could be the single greatest decision you make all year
Your best is yet to come!
Dr. Michael