Avoid Bird Attacks When Running Outside

Reading Time: 2mins

Last Updated: December 18th, 2024 at 11:52 pm

Avoid Red Winged Black Bird Attacks
The group chat texts about Red Winged Blackbird attacks have begun

For those new to outdoor running, the Red Winged Blackbird (pictured above) is an aggressive bird that is notorious for dive bombing pedestrians, cyclists, and runners during nesting season

I am by no means an expert in birds

But I, like many of you reading this, have been attacked before

It’s something you never forget

And it’s that time of year again

Google says that the typical times for attacks like these is May through mid-June

So for the next couple of months, employ the following defense mechanisms to avoid getting attacked

  1. Increase distance from you and these birds and especially their nests
    The birds are not aggressive for no reason. They’re protecting their young. Now is the time of year when they’re doing a lot of protecting. Don’t get close.

Word on the street is that they nest in trees and bushes near water.

  1. Consider an alternate route
    If you normally run in an area where you’ve seen a lot of these birds, it might be a good idea to pick a different route
  2. Wear a hat!
    This probably the best practical tip as the degree to which you can avoid these birds is variable and you’ll probably get close to them in one way or another. Wearing a hat protects your scalp.
  3. If dive bombed, laugh about it and tell your friends
    Being dive bombed isn’t pleasurable but it won’t kill you. If you get attacked despite all your preventative measures, consider it a rite of passage. Make sure you share the experience with your friends and have a good laugh

Let’s all be grateful for having BEAUTIFUL running weather yet again

It’s gonna be a good year

Happy runnin

-Dr. Michael

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