Returning to Run After an Injury

Reading Time: 2mins

Last Updated: December 16th, 2024 at 11:35 pm

If you’re on the mend of any running related injury or pain, you’re probably itching to get back to it

Your pain is mostly gone now and you think it’s time you started running again

But where do you start?

Maybe you’re afraid to return to run because you don’t want to reinjure yourself

Or maybe you’ve tried to return to run on your own and your pain flared up

In my experience with helping injured runners return to run, we want to avoid the most common mistake in all running related injuries: doing too much, too fast

The tricky part is that most injured runners who’re getting back to it don’t realize that, when returning to run after an injury, how fast and how far they used to run, is likely too much for right now

When I help patients with their customized return to run programs, there are a couple key details I start everyone with

1. Don’t run back to back days

Giving yourself a day off in between running days is a great way to gauge your tolerance to returning to run

You’re able to feel just how sore you are or aren’t after running at a given intensity and time

After a week or two of running every other day, if you’re feeling good, it allows you to more confidently make the decision of yes, I will run more often

2. Run slow and short first

Starting super SUPER slow (basically jogging) and going for a short amount of time (not distance) is a really safe place to start

Once you get a baseline of running/jogging at a slow speed for a short amount of time, you gradually increase either speed or time over the next couple weeks until you’re back on track

Using your pain/symptoms as a guide

This is actually very difficult to do because you’re itching to get back to what you used to do

But by making sure you can jog without pain first, you can progress to running confidently and quickly

If you want professional help with your return to run program or if you currently have pain with running, schedule a free discovery phone call with me 

Over the phone we’ll talk about your specific issue, get you scheduled an initial evaluation, and establish a treatment plan for you to get you all patched up

Happy runnin
Dr. Michael Upcoming Events Illinois Brewery Running Series Valiant Physical Therapy is one of the sponsors for a couple local 5Ks in the Illinois Brewery Running Series!

July 28th, Illinois Brewery Run Series – Sketchbook – Skokie

August 17th, Illinois Brewery Run Series – Take Flight Spirits – Skokie

If you’re itching to run a local 5K, come to one of the two above!

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