Abdominal strength is crucial for the strength and stability of the trunk while you run. Core strength is preached from the rooftops amongst exercisers and trainers. And the leg lift is…
Stiff ankles aren’t helpful for anyone Particularly for runners Calf stretching is helpful but what if the problem isn’t actually the calf? If you ANKLE joint itself is stiff, calf…
If you’re like most runners, you probably don’t do much else besides running. When it comes to the realm of weightlifting, you aren’t sure what to do or how to…
There’s a high probability that you’ve never been taught how to run. Most people haven’t Most people get into running by simply going to a running shoe store, buying some shoes, and…
Think you strained your hamstring? Now what? What is the best first thing to do? Introducing: The Extender It’s my favorite first exercise to give to patient’s who’ve just strained their…
You run and run and run But it never seems to feel easier running faster than your normal pace. You’re always at X:XX min/mile and that’s just where you always…
You may think jumping rope is only reserved for children or boxing movie montages But jumping rope is actually a great way to practice transitioning AWAY from being a HEEL…
If you’ve ever tried foam rolling your iliotibial band (IT Band), you’ve probably learned that it hurts like hell And maybe you’ve even heard that foam rolling the ITB doesn’t…
You’ve been ramping up your running Going farther and faster than you ever have before You’re feeling good and you’ve got your upcoming race in your sites Then all of…
Fix IT Band PainMaybe you or someone you know has pain that either:– Goes down the side of the leg– Is concentrated on the outside of the knee and above the…